Health & Safety


Τhe hotel implements a Food Safety Management System.
The action plan is in accordance with the instructions of the Greek National Public Health Organization (G.N.P.H.O) and it is updated accordingly.
There is documented cooperation with a doctor who acts according to the instructions of the G.N.P.H.O. regarding COVID-19 checking, who is particularly trained in taking a nasopharyngeal sample for molecular control from a suspected case.
There is the ability to monitor the suspected case and its close contacts. The coordinator overseeing the action plan is the person in charge of implementing the suspicious case management plan.


Training of the hotel coordinator on each department. Training of the entire hotel staff.
The hotel provides each member of the staff with adequate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) and ensures there exists continuous adequacy of the stocks.
Staff members’ temperature is measured daily.


For the purposes of public health protection actions, the hotel management must keep a record of the staff members and all persons residing in the accommodation - name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail ) - to make it possible to communicate with close contacts of any COVID-19 impact, which may be identified afterwards. We inform all visitors that a file is kept for reasons of public health protection. The hotel respects the GDPR rules.


Τhe hotel communicates the measures and requirements of the action plan to all internal and external actors/partners.
The hotel’s website has been updated with a special COVID-19 section, on which measures and the new policy of the hotel on taking increased hygiene measures, changes in operating hours of common areas, modification of check-in / check-out duration is uploaded.
Updates are posted publicly (e.g. public area entrances signage, printed information at reception)


The staff complies with the basic measures to avoid the transmission of the COVID-19.
When requested, it is possible to: a) inform guests about the accommodation policy and the measures it has taken to address any incidents, b) provide useful information for health providers, pharmacies, etc. in the area and / or within the hotel and c) provide P.P.E.
Guests are encouraged to communicate via e-mail:, for any assistance and inquiry.
Special equipment (medical kit) is available for a suspected case, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe and laser thermometer.
Personnel is able to recognize customer symptoms and report them directly to the action plan coordinator.
Antiseptic is available for guest use at the reception and all the public areas.
Regular disinfection of the surfaces of reception desks is carried out.
The reception desk and area have been suitably configured, with two meter distance floor markings for the guest to guest stand on having been added / appropriate distance signage in the waiting area, proper arrangement of furniture and proper queue management in order to reduce waiting time.
Overcrowding during check-in / check-out is being avoided.
Use of electronic alternatives for pre-check in & for check in / checkout (e.g. mobile concierge, use of tablets that can be disinfected after each use)
Electronic payment is suggested.
Disinfection of key cards and keys is carried out daily.
Extension of check-out and check-in between stays (check out until 11.00 am and check in from 3.00 pm). This change in the time interval between each check in and check out is mandatory to ensure that between different guests, the room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, as well as that adequate natural ventilation of the space is achieved.
No entry in rooms is allowed for non-residents.


A cleaning and disinfection program is applied according to the action plan.
Special cleaning instructions are applied in case of an accident according to the G.N.P.H.O directives.
Sanitation services are strengthened in all public areas and in particular in "high risk" objects (e.g. knobs, elevator knobs). Disinfectants used to disinfect equipment and surfaces have certified antivirus (against SARS – COV-2), fungicide and bactericidal properties, and are approved by the Responsible Authorities.
Through cleaning, very good natural ventilation during the hours between stays, takes place.
Staff equipment (gloves, masks, robe and closed shoes) is available. During their operation, cleaning staff members take basic measures to avoid transfer of the COVID-19, do not smoke and do not consume foods or drinks.
No regular room cleaning is carried out during the stay as suggested by the Greek Government Protocols, except at customer’s request.
Room linen and towel changing only upon customer’s request as suggested by the Greek Government Protocols.
Policy: meticulous cleaning-disinfection with fogger on the room and bathroom surfaces upon departure.
Compliance with the hygiene rules by the staff involved in the sorting of dirty linen using the appropriate P.P.E.


Production Site

Basic HACCP principles are implemented.
Distance among kitchen workers is kept according to health authorities’ requirements. There is a sign of non-entry in the kitchen for those who do not have a job.


The restaurant, bar, etc. operates according to the current legal framework and the corresponding instructions of the G.N.P.H.O
Hand disinfection is performed at the entrance and exit of each restaurant, bar etc.
The basic measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 are applied by staff, in regards to hand towels, tablecloths and all cutlery.
Τhere is a rotating restaurant schedule for the service of guests.
Meals are displayed buffet style & served by the staff.
Buffet Restaurants

A hand sanitizer is provided at the entrance to the buffet.
The required distances when serving customers at the buffet, are maintained.
The buffet is served only by the catering staff, who bear the appropriate P.P.E. and comply with the basic measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
The use of shared utensils / dispenser items, automatic serving machines (coffee, juice, etc.) is done only by the catering staff.


During beverage consumption within the facility bars, only prepacked accompanying snacks may be provided.

Room Service

Room service is available.
The room service staff complies with the basic measures to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 and specifically for room service: All the hygiene rules are applied for the transportation of food within the hotel grounds.
All hygiene requirements are applied for collecting the utensils that have already been used by customers.


It is of the outermost importance to comply with the hygiene rules in all areas of swimming pools. Compliance of hygiene rules applies to all who are in the facilities of the swimming pool (staff, pool users).
The health legislations, regarding the terms and conditions of water supply, sewage and waste management systems are applied.
Proper operation and maintenance of chlorination systems in accordance with current legislation, is being carried out.
The maximum number of bathers that can be found at any time in the water of the swimming pool is 1 swimmer for every 5 sq. of water surface. The above ratio is updated with newer guidelines and based on new scientific data according to the course of the evolution of the pandemic of the Sars CoV2.

Presentation and briefing of customers with relevant marking for the use of showers before and after the use of the swimming pool.
Provision of the necessary items (shower gel, etc.) as well as liquid antiseptic when entering the showers.
Compliance with distances

Seat arrangement (sunbeds, chairs, etc.) is done so that the distance between the extremities of the seats of two people in two different umbrellas or two people living in a different room is at least 2 meters in each direction.
Use of materials or cover items with materials that can be effectively disinfected in seats, tables.

There is a program for cleaning and disinfecting of the premises.
There is a written program for cleaning and disinfecting the facilities of each swimming pool.


Regarding the operation of air conditioners the following is applied:
Increase of the supply of fresh air to all central air conditioning units (AHU).
Complete avoidance of air recirculation.
Systematic natural ventilation of spaces through openings (windows, external doors) even with the parallel use of air conditioners).
Operation of these services in accordance with the current legal framework and the corresponding instructions of G.N.P.H.O.


It is recommended that customers avoid using elevators. Disinfectants have been placed at the entrances. It is recommended to use them at the entrance and exit. Elevators are often cleaned with an emphasis on frequently touched surfaces (handles, knobs, etc.).
Signs has been placed reminding customers to keep their distance.
Antiseptic solutions for hand antiseptic have been placed in all common areas.
Furniture has been rearranged to avoid overcrowding in public areas (4 people / 10 sq.)
An information label has been placed on the WC to avoid overcrowding.
A marking has been placed so that the basins are always emptied with the lid closed



  • Please sanitize your hands as often as possible especially, after using the toilet. Please cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, ideally using a tissue, disposing of it safely after use and washing your hands immediately.
  • Please respectfully abide by social distancing. All communal furniture has been repositioned to meet social distancing requirements.
  • During meals please respect the maximum number of seats per table, avoid gatherings.
  • Guests are requested not to enter the meals preparation area
  • Upon check-in and check-out please wait at the indicated point - Check in is at 3pm and check out is at 11am.
  • Keys left at reception must be placed inside the specified box for sanitation.
  • For long staying guests, any room cleaning services will be done upon customer request only. This is to keep our personnel safe.
  • In case you develop symptoms during your stay please stay in your room and contact the hotel’s certified Health Officer who will contact the medical doctor and follow the protocol for the provision of immediate medical care.
  • Guests are requested to take self-protective measures and adhere to the covid-19 relevant house-rules to minimize any exposure to the virus.
  • Guests acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and the risk of exposure or infection by COVID-19. Glaros Royal Beach Hotel does not accept any liability and any claims of any kind arising out of, or relating thereto.

Staying healthy is everyone’s responsibility!


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